Singing Guide: Travis Cottrell

Singing Guide: Travis Cottrell

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Travis Cottrell is a Christian worship artist known for his engaging and heartfelt approach to music. As the worship pastor of Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee, Cottrell has honed his skills and developed a signature style that has won him fans all around the world. In this article, we'll explore Travis Cottrell's unique vocal technique and identify some of the songs that showcase it. We'll also provide practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like Travis Cottrell.

Travis Cottrell's Vocal Technique

One of the defining features of Travis Cottrell's vocal technique is his ability to convey deep emotion through his singing. Whether he's singing an upbeat praise song or a slow, contemplative ballad, Cottrell's voice is always full of feeling and authenticity.

To sing like Travis Cottrell, it's important to focus on your emotional connection to the music. Try to imagine the lyrics of the song as a personal message from God to you, and let that message infuse your singing with passion and conviction.

Another key aspect of Travis Cottrell's vocal technique is his ability to seamlessly blend his chest voice and head voice. This produces a smooth, warm sound that is perfect for worship music.

To mimic this technique, practice singing scales that move smoothly between your chest and head voice. You can also try singing along to Travis Cottrell's music and paying attention to how he transitions between his chest and head voice.

Travis Cottrell's Best Songs

Travis Cottrell has plenty of great songs to choose from, but some of the best for showcasing his vocal technique include "Just As I Am," "God Is Good," and "We Turn Our Eyes." These songs feature heartfelt lyrics and dynamic melodies that allow Cottrell to showcase his range and emotional depth.

If you want to learn to sing like Travis Cottrell, start by familiarizing yourself with these songs. Listen to them carefully, paying close attention to Cottrell's vocal technique and emotional performance.

Then, use Singing Carrots resources like the vocal range test to figure out which songs in your own range are similar to Travis Cottrell's. You can also use the pitch accuracy test to measure your own pitch accuracy and identify areas that need improvement.

Finally, take advantage of Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises to help you develop the same vocal technique as Travis Cottrell. Exercises like the Farinelli Breathing exercise, the Soft Palate exercise, and the Glottal Onset exercise can all help you improve your vocal control and precision.


Learning to sing like Travis Cottrell takes time and practice, but with the right resources and dedication, it's definitely possible. By focusing on your emotional connection to the music, practicing smooth transitions between your chest and head voice, and using Singing Carrots exercises to hone your skills, you can develop a vocal technique that is as moving and authentic as Travis Cottrell's.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.